VLE (Virtual Learning Environment)

A virtual learning environment (VLE) is a virtual environment (VE) that supports learning activities. Furthermore it inherits general VE features like social space; social presence, awareness tools etc. and that can and should be exploited by pedagogic strategies and according instructional design models
Virtual learning environment (VLE) is also Web-based platform for the digital aspects of courses of study, usually within educational institutions. VLEs typically: allow participants to be organized into cohorts, groups and roles; present resources, activities and interactions within a course structure; provide for the different stages of assessment; report on participation; and have some level of integration with other institutional systems. For those who edit those VLEs may have a de facto role as authoring and design environments. VLEs have been adopted by almost all higher education institutions.
We argue that using a virtual learning environment does not guarantee effectiveness. Applying the "virtual learning environment" concept to any sort of Internet technology entails the danger of ignoring interesting avenues of research and development that could and should enrich education. Virtual learning environments" can provide members of a community tend to make better progress , a group can develop special language and practice adapted to specific problems and knowledge through enculturation.
I had some trouble setting up the virtual classroom for some reason, but this is a essential part of our lesson plan that should be made active within the school curriculum. It is in the heart of some teaching programmes in the higher learning institutes. Although the benefits of using a Virtual Learning Environment in schools are obvious, there are plenty of sticking points to consider. VLE rooms can be created in absolutely any style, shape and format. Moodle is the most common VLEs of choice. The disadvantage of VLE's is that for a non technical teacher they can sometimes appear be complicated to use. This can put some teachers off using them although many schools now require teachers to place work for their students on the school VLE.
A learning platform is a safe and secure environment that is reliable, available online and accessible to a wide user base. A user should be able to move between learning platforms throughout their life with no loss of access to their personal data. Virtual learning environment offers a learning system with many components, with added advantage of computer based learning and teaching space. One of the process to enhance the learning experience was the virtual resource room, which is student centered, works in a self paced format, and which encourages students to take responsibility for their own learning. In virtual mode, the materials are available in the form of computer aided learning program, lecture notes, special self-assessment module.

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